CyberLock CK-FLASH CyberKey Flash Smart Key

Bluetooth® 4.2 Technology, RFID, CyberLock, and FlashLock® Connectivity

The CyberKey Flash is an electronic key that can access CyberLock, FlashLock, and CyberLock Flex access points. The three-button menu and display allows users to select key actions, view expirations, check battery status and wake up Bluetooth functions. Internal memory contains encrypted access codes, a list of locks it may access, schedules of authorized dates and times it may access locks, and a begin-end date range during which the key will operate.

CyberKey Overview

CyberKey smart keys are designed with highly durable fiberglass-reinforced casings and are programmed with access permissions for each key holder.

CyberKey Features

  • Contains a unique ID that cannot be changed or duplicated
  • Has the ability to store thousands of access events
    • Lock ID
    • Date & Time
    • Event Type
  • Carries access schedules for the specific key holder
  • Retains encrypted access codes that bind the key to a specific system
  • Includes a battery which energizes both the key and each lock it touches