The control, management, and monitoring of the entrance and exit of people through secure areas.
CyberLock Glossary

The arrangements of live or latch bolts and their accessories in a lock or latch, and how they function.
Audit Trail
An audit trail is the record of activity of a lock or key. Each audit trail record contains information about an event that occurred within the lock or key such as what time the event occurred and if the key was granted or denied access. Both the lock and key record audit information to memory. Audit trails are also available for some communication devices.
Battery Backup
A secondary energy source used to power devices in the event the primary energy source fails. Battery Backup typically provides power for a short period of time, allowing for immediate action, system protection, and system shutdown before the battery reaches a drained state.
Biometric Identification
The verification of individuals using unique biological characteristics (i.e. fingerprints, hand geometry, voice analysis, the retinal pattern in the eye).
The quantifiable data (or metrics) related to human characteristics and traits.
Cam Lock
A lock that has an attached cam that serves as the lock’s bolt. Cam locks are often used on cabinets, file cabinets, and drawers.
Card Access
A type of access control system using encoded cards and card readers to identify cardholders and determine if access may be granted.
Communicators serve as the interface between CyberLock hardware and CyberAudit management software. Through a communicator, key information is downloaded into the software and new schedules and permissions are uploaded into the keys.
Control Key
A key used to remove the core from an interchangeable core cylinder.
A wait period required of keys before a lock will open. The CyberKey keeps track of the time and will beep to let the user know when the lock can be opened. Delay cannot be combined with multiple-key access. (Master keys ignore the delay setting.)
The pins in a lock that sit on top of the lower pins and rest against the springs.
Electric Strike
An electric door lock that requires power to be applied to unlock a door.
A mechanical device or system that is activated or controlled by electronics.
A feature of a security device designed to release, for safety purposes, during a power loss.
A material, coloring and/or texturing specification.
Grand Master CyberKey (Electronic)
The Grand Master CyberKey is a key with multiple functionalities, dependent upon which software solution is in use. The Grand Master CyberKey can program, download, and update locks and/or create emergency keys and open locks.
Grand Master Key (Mechanical)
When a series of locks is divided into two or more sub-suites the key which controls all the sub-suites (i.e. all the locks in the entire complex) is called the grand master key.
High Security Cylinder
A cylinder that offers a greater degree of resistance to any two or more of the following: picking, impressioning, key duplication, drilling or other forms of forcible entry.
A list of dates that act as additions to the weekly grid in schedules. A “day” is valid if either the appropriate day or the holiday boxes are checked. Each subsystem can have up to 126 holidays. Holidays may be set as one-time or occurring every year.
The part of a locking device that is designed to hold a core.
IC Core
Interchangeable core.
An electronic sensor on a controller that detects a change of state in a device outside the controller.
Interchangeable Core
A lock core than can be inserted and extracted from a compatible housing using a special Control Key. No other specialized tools are needed.
Key Expirations
A programmed key can be given an expiration date and time. When a key expires, the key will stop working until it has been reauthorized via a communication device. CyberKeys can be expired on a Fixed Date Expiration or a Rolling Expiration (days, weeks, months; updating the key resets the expiration timer).
Key Retaining
A lock cylinder that must be locked before a key can be removed.
Key Scheduling
Keys are programmed with a set of access times, restrictions, and rules. (Example: A user’s key is programmed with a schedule to work Monday – Friday, 7am – 7pm, except on holidays.)
An alphanumeric grid that allows a user to enter an identification code.
A mechanical device that automatically keeps a door closed until a deliberate action is used to retract it.
Lock List
A list of lock IDs paired with a schedule stored in a CyberKey’s memory. It controls if and when a key may open a given lock. The lock list is programmed into the key with each communication. It may also contain additional information such as one-time access, bypassing delay or multi-key, or treating the lock as a CyberPoint.
Lost Key
A CyberKey can be designated as Lost in a CyberLock cylinders memory. A CyberLock cylinder will not allow access to a lost key even if that key believes it has permission to open the lock.
Master Key Schedule
A special schedule that restricts when a Master key will function. It is essentially an on/off schedule for the key that is checked prior to any other operation. Master Key operating times may be created uniquely for each key or the key may use on of the existing, pre-defined schedules.
Master Key
A software setting that allows a CyberKey access to all locks which use a specific access code. A Master key has either full access or a restricted time range. Master keys can also have a list of locks for which they behave like a standard user key.
A key configuration that may be applied to any un-programmed CyberKey, and it includes a set of access permissions, a duration, and other key settings. A mission can be recurring or single use. It is typically used to check out keys for short term use.
Mortise Cylinder
A threaded cylinder used in mortise locks.
Multi-Key Access
A lock with the setting requires more than one CyberKey to open it. Master keys ignore the delay setting.
- A series of controllers, all connected via a communications cable.
- A group of computers, all connected via a communications cable.
Output Relay
A device that changes its state upon receiving a signal from a controller. Typically the state change prompts an action outside of the controller such as activating or inactivating a device.
Panic Bar
A quick release door lock allowing the door to be quickly opened in the case of an emergency situation.
Personal Identification Number (PIN)
A numeric password shared between a user and a system that can be used to authenticate the user to the system. A PIN can be assigned to a person for use in conjunction with an Authorizer Keyport to provide an additional level of security. The correct PIN must be entered before the user’s key is reauthorized.
Usually the lower of each pair of tumblers in the pin tumbler cylinder mechanism. The upper are known as drivers.
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
A method of reading a card using radio frequency energy to transmit information from the card to a reader.
Request to Exit (RTE)
A signal that informs the controller that someone has requested to exit from a secure area.
Rim Cylinder
A cylinder typically used with surface applied locks and attached with a back plate and machine screws. It has a tailpiece to actuate the lock mechanism.
A thin piece of metal, which is usually crimped or spun onto the front of a cylinder and determines the cylinder’s finish.
A distance piece of thin metal placed between the levers of some locks.
A T-shaped handle assembly.
An actuator attached to the rear of the cylinder, parallel to the plug, typically used on rim, key-in-knob or special application cylinders.
Tamper Delay
A “tamper delay” is a wait period that a lock may require of keys before it will communicate. It may occur when the lock denies entry to a key. For each denied key touch, this delay is incremented; it should never exceed 20 seconds. The first good key to touch the lock will serve the delay. After gaining access, it will then cancel it so that subsequent authorized keys are unaffected.
Temporary Activation
Temporary activation is an advanced CyberKey feature that allows an administrator to designate a single CyberLock or CyberPoint to temporarily reactivate an expired CyberKey for up to 5 minutes. Once the key touches the activation point it can open any lock to which it has permission.
The portion of the key which enters the keyway first.
Identifying an individual based on some type of provided information. Verification may be done using an access card, a smart key, a PIN, etc.
The horizontal distance from the edge of a door to the center of a lockset.
A technology that allows an electronic device to exchange data or connect to the internet wirelessly.