Challenge: Controlling and Tracking Access
The Collier County Water-Sewer District’s Water Department provides drinking water service to over 160,000 permanent and approximately 200,000 seasonal customers residing outside the City of Naples, Florida. The water supply system covers roughly 240 square miles and includes two hybrid water treatment plants, three water storage re-pumping facilities, three well fields, and one aquifer storage and recovery well.
An Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) vulnerability assessment in 2002 determined that Collier County Water Department’s public water supply system needed security enhancements in order to meet new Department of Homeland Security critical infrastructure mandates. James Price, Technical Support Professional for the Collier County Water Department, oversees security processes and special projects. Price says, “Collier needed to perform at a higher level of security. We were tasked with tightly controlling and tracking access to our critical assets in order to protect the public water supply.”
Solution: CyberLock
While researching options, the Collier Water Department determined that CyberLock met their requirements. Price shares, “We first implemented CyberLock in 2004. The system has continued to grow as we bring new wells on line and expand our facilities. To date we have installed over 600 CyberLocks.” There are CyberLocks on administrative office doors, re-pump station and well house doors, and electronic padlocks on gates and underground sample stations.
“A major benefit of the CyberLock system is the auditing it provides us. The CyberLocks and keys audit lock openings and unauthorized attempts to enter. Almost every Collier County Water Department team member and contractor carries an electronic key that is programmed to access specific locks that allow that person to do their job,” says Price. The audit reporting insures that people are doing their jobs, water samples are being pulled at the correct locations, and scheduled security checks are being made throughout the well fields.
Price concludes, “CyberLock allows us to be pro-active by getting out in front of potential problems. We can immediately take corrective action should a discrepancy appear in the audit reports. With CyberLock, we can provide substantial proof to the Health Department and EPA that we are diligent in our efforts to secure our facilities and keep the public water supply safe.”
Click here to learn more about CyberLock applications for the Utility industry.