As a fire and EMS responder it is important to be at the height of readiness, so when an emergency arises you are stocked with the proper resources to get the job done.The CyberLock system of electronic locks and programmable keys offers an affordable solution for fire departments and emergency medical service organizations. With CyberLock, users can track access to each lock to ensure that supply cabinets are well supplied and ready for use.
CyberLock can help ensure your crew is performing required vehicle inventory inspections by electronically documenting the time and date of every lock access event. Both the electronic key and lock record openings and exceptions including unauthorized attempts to open a safe.
Security & Key Control
CyberKey smart keys are programmed with access permissions for each user, detailing what locks they can open and when. For additional security, keys can be assigned a start date and an expiration date.
A fleet of rescue vehicles can be quickly retrofitted with CyberLock. Simply remove the cylinder from the mechanical lock in each vehicle’s safe and replace it with a CyberLock electronic cylinder.
“The accountability the system provides is extremely important to us. The department is very pleased with how CyberLock has helped us in the regulation and management of our Class 2 Narcotics.”
- Narcotics Access Control
- Audit Reporting