Challege: Managing Master Keys
Bellevue Baptist church in Owensboro, Kentucky holds 5 services in 4 languages on a weekly basis. With nearly 1500 regular members, various schools, teams and other community groups calling Bellevue Baptist home, controlling access to different parts of their church is vital.
With a mechanical key system in place, Bellevue found that an unnecessary number of Master Keys were created. Pastor Adam Neel states "We started with 24 but the final count was somewhere around 70 keys." 70 keys with the ability to open nearly any door in the church was problematic when it came to managing who entered the building and where they moved within the building.
Solution: CyberLock
When Pastor Adam Neel saw an advertisement for CyberLock in a worship magazine, he tore the page out and decided to look into implementing CyberLock at Bellevue. After a few calls and some discussion about the ease of installation, Neel decided to use his own office door as a test for the CyberLock system. After finding it took just minutes to install, Bellevue decided to implement CyberLock throughout the building.
CyberLock gives Bellevue the ability to schedule access permissions, allowing specific people to access specific doors at specific times. Bellevue decided to implement CyberLock's Flex System, allowing them to use RFID access control as well as CyberLock's electronic lock and key system for dual authentication. The implementation of CyberLock significantly cut down on the number of keys in circulation and forced those who do hold keys to be accountable for them. Additionally, the keys in circulation are scheduled to only open specific doors, allowing Bellevue to give access to certain parts of the building for community groups and local sports teams, while maintaining security throughout the rest of the building.
CyberLock offers Bellevue Baptist Church peace of mind, especially in their preschool and children's area. Ensuring the safety and security of the children is a high priority for Bellevue. Neel states that "It gives us an enormous amount of peace of mind knowing that only those who have access permission can get into the children’s area."