Challenge: Preventing Unauthorized Access to Utilities
City Utilities, in Springfield Missouri, provides electricity, natural gas and water to 110,000 customers in a 320-square mile service area. Additionally, City Utilities manages the local broadband internet and the public transit system.
With such a wide range of services, City Utilities relies on more than 930 full-time employees who work from numerous offices, substations and other facilities. Preventing unauthorized access to the sprawling facilities that City Utilities manages was critical. With a few major requirements in mind, City Utilities began researching possible solutions. The ability to program access for predetermined lengths of time was a leading priority. Additionally, it was imperative for City Utilities to deploy a solution that eliminated the need to rekey facilities.
Solution: CyberLock
After extensive research, City Utilities decided on the option that best fit their needs. The CyberLock access control system replaces traditional mechanical keys with electronic CyberKeys. Additionally, CyberLock cylinders easily retrofit into existing door hardware, without any hardwiring required. This cost effective and powerful solution was the perfect fit for Springfield’s City Utilities. The CyberAudit management software allows software administrators to program keys with access to specific locks, on specific days, and at specific times on those days. Additionally, adjusting access privileges to account for lost or stolen keys or for employee turnover is easy to manage.
Beyond its versatility and ease of use, the CyberLock system enhances security. Unlike a mechanical key system, both the lock and the key contain encrypted access codes that cannot be readily changed or duplicated. City Utilities now has the ability to see and manage who enters each of their facilities, providing security and accountability to their access points.
According to Nicholas Rasey, City Utilities physical security manager, “Technology is always changing so we have to keep up with it.” Implementing CyberLock helped them maintain security in an ever-changing world of technology.